Mold issues prompt call to Legal Aid; attorneys find that and more

Cathy, a former resident of the St. Cloud area, recently moved back to Minnesota to be closer to family. She is 66, living with a disability and was pleased to find a retirement community she thought would be ideal. What drew her in was this line in their marketing materials, “…available to qualified individuals with disabilities…”
However, a few months after moving in, Cathy contacted Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid in St. Cloud, reporting emergency maintenance issues, such as severe mold. Prior to the move, she had some mobility with use of a walker. Her ailments stemmed from degenerative disc disease. After the move into her new home, her general health declined.
Soon, she was dependent on the use of a wheelchair. When Legal Aid inspected Cathy’s housing situation, the team not only verified the mold growing in her unit, they found the apartment’s main doors were heavy — so heavy, it was determined Cathy would risk tipping over in the effort to open the door.
Attorneys Lawrence Chen and Mateen Shah, assisted by paralegal Kody Craddick filed an Emergency Tenant Remedies Action on Cathy’s behalf. In the petition, Lawrence and Mateen argued that the severity of the mold and lack of a handicap accessible door posed a serious health and safety concern for Cathy.
Ultimately, Legal Aid successfully pursued the case. The landlord treated the mold and attorneys, representing Cathy, negotiated a settlement agreement. The court incorporated this into an order for the landlord to install a handicap-accessible door. Cathy is grateful for the fixes but is also grateful to keep in contact with Legal Aid.
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid has offices in St. Cloud, Willmar and Minneapolis with attorneys who address civil legal aid practice areas. Our Minnesota Disability Law Center is also staffed in Minneapolis as well as Duluth and Mankato. Explore our website to learn more. Also, see locations in the top navigation bar to connect with your nearest Legal Aid office.