Many students who have disabilities face barriers to full participation in school, such as exclusionary discipline, reduced school days or attendance, restraint and seclusion, placement in unnecessarily restrictive educational settings, lack of access to appropriate services and supports, or failure to provide reasonable accommodations based on a student’s disability.

Our team provides information, advice and assistance with navigating these and other issues at school. We also conduct monitoring visits to educational programs and work to advance policy changes to positively impact the educational access and experiences of children with disabilities in schools.

We receive many calls regarding special education or other issues facing students with disabilities. We gather information through a phone call and follow up with a letter including our advice and resources. Once we’ve concluded offering our advice, we will close the case. If new questions arise, clients may call back and we can provide advice on the new questions. Depending on our capacity and priorities, we may pursue case exploration for possible representation.

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