Hennepin County Attorney’s Office updates policy to help immigrant victims of crime

Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid joins community partners in support of HCA’s updated U/T visa policy. The policy encourages noncitizen immigrants to report crime; aims to remove the fear of deportation; and provides a path to legal status with U/T visas for victims who are helpful in “detection, investigation, prosecution, conviction, or sentencing of certain crimes.”
“Legal Aid is heartened to know HCAO has listened to advocates about the significant barriers faced by immigrant survivors of violence,” Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid Attorney Camila Pacheco-Fores said. “This new U/T policy alleviates some of those barriers for our clients and others by adopting a policy that not only makes the process of requesting and receiving U/T certifications more accessible to them, but centers their experiences, is trauma-informed and promises a quick turnaround while doing so.”
Relevant links
News Release – HCAO announces policy to support noncitizen victims of crime
Flyer – U/T visa policy (English)
Flyer – U/T visa policy (Spanish)
KARE 11 – Hennepin County attorney’s new policy aims to help noncitizens report crimes