
Leave your home to loved ones without a will

In this webinar, learn about the simpler, more affordable alternative to a will when it comes to planning for the future.

Legal Aid tax help now streaming on YouTube

Get tax-filing guidance from Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid’s Low Income Taxpayer Clinic.

Senate passes tenants’ rights legislation; GOP senator fixates on ‘squatters’ – MN Reformer

This session, Legal Aid’s Julia Zwak joined housing advocates, pushing to pass the “Tenants’ Rights Bill.” As that push proved successful in the senate, detractors made claims against the bill. And again, Zwak set the record straight. Read all about it in the Minnesota Reformer.

Disability Rights advocates rally for legislation at Minnesota Capitol – WCCO

In proud support of the disability community, MMLA’s Minnesota Disability Law Center joined voices calling to end the subminimum wage, improve teacher training and remove barriers to medical assistance. WCCO’s coverage included an interview with Legal Aid’s Ryan Haenze.

Tax law not taxing for LITC fellow

Tax Attorney Hannah Stephan says her work is not tedious, dry or boring. Rather, she sees tax issues as “puzzles to be solved and so very interesting!”

Child tax credit would include 18-year-olds under proposed bill – Session Daily

Legal Aid Attorney Jessica Webster describes the 2023 child tax credit as a “powerful anti-poverty tool” and calls the 2024 proposal, “smart and equitable tax policy.”

Powerless no more: Tenants could gain rights in utility disputes – Session Daily

Attorney Ron Elwood highlighted the problems tenants face when landlords co-opt the role of utility companies. View testimony via link, included in this Sessions Daily write-up.

Hennepin County Attorney’s Office updates policy to help immigrant victims of crime

Read Legal Aid’s statement, in support of the county attorney’s updated U/T visa policy. It encourages noncitizen victims of crime to step forward and outlines a pathway to legal status.

Project Care leaps into action to secure health care

In a Leap Day race to beat the clock, Legal Aid’s Project Care navigators tackled the cases of clients whose pending coverage was due to expire at midnight, March 1. Thanks to their tenacity, by the day’s end, eight households (24 people, including 10 children) had secured health coverage for the next 12 months.