
Empowerment Through Employment and Self-Employment Pathways – Minneapolis

Meet with Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid immigration and tax attorneys to get answers to your questions about employment authorization, Indvidual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, and more. In celebration of Latino Business Week in Minneapolis, this event will be held at the CareerForce office at 777 E. Lake St., Minneapolis 55407, October 10 from 1 – 4 p.m.

777 E. Lake St., Minneapolis 55407
Date and Time:
Immigration, In-person, Tax Help

High School Student Resource Event – Minneapolis

Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid’s Low Income Tax Clinic will hold multiple 20-minute educational sessions on common tax issues young people face, as well as meet individually with students who have questions. This event is open to MPS Contract Alternative school students and will take place Tuesday, December 3 from 10:30 to 2 p.m. at Achieve Twin Cities’ Downtown Minneapolis office. Details to follow.

404 S. 8th St., Ste 105, Minneapolis 55404
Date and Time:
In-person, Tax Help

Immigration Resource Fair for New Arrivals – Bloomington

Get free legal consultations with the Immigration Law Project. Mid-Minensota Legal Aid attorneys will be available to assist with immigration questions and concerns specifically for new arrivals. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. | St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 8400 France Ave. S., Bloomington 55431 | Flyers in English and Spanish at link below.

8400 France Ave. S., Bloomington 55431
Date and Time:
Immigration Law, In-person