Board Client Application Form

Board Candidate Client Application

Thank you for your interest in joining MMLA’s Board. Before you start your application, below you will find helpful information you need to know about the Board. The purpose of this section is to improve transparency in the election and selection process of Board members, and thus be fairer and more inclusive. MMLA’s Mission Statement To advocate for the legal rights of disadvantaged people to have safe, healthy, and independent lives in strong communities. Board Composition, Term & Term Limits 2.1 General Powers. There shall be a board of directors of not fewer than 21 nor more than 35 individuals who shall be elected by the then current board of directors of this corporation (the “Board”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of resignations by directors that cause the number of directors to be less than 21, the Board may continue to act as long as it consists of 3 or more individuals. 2.3 Term of Office. The Board members shall serve staggered terms. Directors may be elected for a one (1), two (2), or three (3) year term. So far as practicable, one-third of those directors’ terms shall end at each annual meeting. A director shall hold office until expiration of the term for which the director was elected and until his or her successor is elected. Each director shall be eligible for re-election, but no person who has served six (6) consecutive years, as a director, other than the president or immediate past president or one serving ex officio shall be eligible for re-election until after a lapse of one year. Eligibility Requirements for Board membership 2.2 Qualifications. The membership of the board of directors shall be representative, as determined by the Board, of the geographic areas served by this corporation, taking into consideration the number of persons without sufficient means to maintain or enforce their legal rights within each such geographic area, the relative proportions of the total annual budget within each such geographic area and the size of such geographic area. The directors shall be selected as follows: fifty percent (50%) shall be attorneys licensed to practice in the State of Minnesota, twenty five percent (25%) shall be eligible for the services of the corporation, and twenty-five percent (25%) shall be attorneys, clients, members of the public, or other community members, including the chair of the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Council. This proportionality shall apply to the board members from each geographic area described above. In addition, the immediate past president shall be a member of the Board for a period of one year after his or her term as president has expired. Racial Justice Values Statement Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values for Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid, and it is critical that we incorporate these values into all aspects of our work. We recognize the particular and highly detrimental impact of racism — and Minnesota’s racial disparities — on MMLA’s clients and staff. We will therefore devote special attention to issues of racial justice. We commit to: · Ensuring our work is rooted in communities which we serve. · Strengthening our organizational capacity through increased racial diversity, inclusion, and equity. · Developing and applying a racial equity lens to our work with clients. · Advancing the cause of racial justice in our client representation and policy advocacy work.


MMLA seeks to enhance diversity among its Directors. Answers are helpful but are optional and not required.

Race and/or Ethnicity
Gender/Gender Identity
Sexual Identity/Sexual Orientation:
Self-identification as a person with a disability

The following are prospective Board Member Questions. Please answer them to the best of your ability.

In answering this question, include any relevant prior volunteer or board leadership experiences, fundraising/outreach to donors, interpersonal skills, membership recruitment especially among marginalized social identities, or lived experience. You can also include any community service experience and working with MMLA. Basically, anything about you that you believe would be an asset to the Board.