
St. Cloud Office
Our St. Cloud office serves the following counties: Benton, Chisago, Isanti, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, and Wright.

Willmar Office
Our Willmar office serves the following counties: Big Stone, Chippewa, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, Meeker, Renville, Swift, and Yellow Medicine
Serving low-income clients in:
- Benton
- Big Stone
- Chippewa
- Chisago
- Hennepin
- Isanti
- Kandiyohi
- Lac qui Parle
- Lincoln
- Lyon
- Meeker
- Mille Lacs
- Morrison
- Renville
- Sherburne
- Stearns
- Swift
- Todd
- Wright
- Yellow Medicine
Serving seniors 60+ in:
- Anoka
- Benton
- Big Stone
- Cass
- Chippewa
- Chisago
- Crow Wing
- Hennepin
- Isanti
- Kandiyohi
- Kannabec
- Lac qui Parle
- Pine
- Lincoln
- Lyon
- Meeker
- Mille Lacs
- Morrison
- Renville
- Sherburne
- Stearns
- Swift
- Todd
- Wadena
- Wright
- Yellow Medicine
Serving clients statewide:
- Minnesota Disability Law Center, the Protection and Advocacy organization for the state, serves all Minnesotans living with disabilities.
- Low Income Taxpayer Clinic offers free tax help to all Minnesota residents.
- Project Care helps Minnesotans in all counties access affordable health care coverage.
- Youth Law Project advises young people statewide about their legal rights, responsibilities and options.